The Benefits of Outdoor Learning: Promotes good metabolism; develops motor skills; strengthens heart; increases lung function; improves health of brain, muscles, bones, and joints; boosts immune systems.
Psychological Benefits of Outdoor Play: Facilitates secretion of serotonin. Serotonin helps children stay calm and peaceful; controls depression, violence, & suicidal impulses; helps with focus and memory; produces overall feeling of well-being.
Outdoor Learning Increases Academic Performance: Learning in class is one thing, but going outside and experiencing it is another. Indoor space is replaced with a natural outdoor setting. The learning becomes real. Being outside ignites excitement and curiosity that cannot be replicated in the classroom. Students gain problem-solving skills and have increased positive social interactions, have a strong motivation to learn and more! Children learn best when they are having fun and moving their bodies. Children who spend more time outdoors show greater capacity to focus their attention and have higher academic performance. (Skrupskelis, 2000. "Recess and the Importance of Play.")
The Master's Academy is a member of the Association of Classical Christian Academies (ACCS). We believe in building a solid foundation of faith-based education. A classical education offers a content-rich curriculum while teaching students their noble purpose.
The Master's Academy Outdoor School is located completely outside. We have an idyllic forest where we have the opportunity to learn in hammocks and sitting around a campfire, while doing hands-on projects. We also have yurts and large tents available in the event of inclement weather.
We offer a wide variety of classes that provide students with a strong educational foundation. We have typical class subjects such as: math, science, English, and history. We have a weekly Chapel service in additional to our Bible classes. The Master's Academy offers foreign language classes. One class unique to The Master's Academy is our Trade class, where students do outdoor projects and learn special trades like how to use tools to build structures and create their own learning experience.